Cathlene Klippert

About Cathlene

To me, every day is a blank canvas and I never know what I will be intuitively guided to create.

Some days I find myself called to write, it may be a short story, a few inspirational lines or a deep outpouring from the depths within. 

There are days where I may find myself covered in paint, transforming the blank canvas into a symphony of colors, letting them flow about the page as I discover the messages they were sent to reveal.

And other days where the beautiful crystal beads start singing to my soul, asking to be combined into a bracelet, earrings or necklace, usually to aid myself or another so we can raise our vibration and move through the current stage we are in.

Then there are those days where I help heart-center entrepreneurs birth their vision into a website so those who need their support can discover all about them. 

And last but certainly not least, are the days where I am creating my everyday life. These are the days that I usually forget I am creating and it isn’t until I take a step back that I see how beautifully everything is coming together.

A few of my favorite creations

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