A few years ago in one of the business masterminds or groups I was involved with, we had to come up with 5 Things to Stop Doing in Order to Grow Your Business. I had forgotten about it until a few days ago. That’s when I stumbled across my list while looking for some other files I created in Canva.
I would love to say that I stopped doing all those things, but, I haven’t.
In fact, I let many of them take over and really sideline me the past few years. I find it interesting that as I am choosing to step into my business more this list has resurfaced.
I think not.
I’d say my spirit is reminding me what I need to focus on or in this case stop focusing on. I feel this is a reminder for me in my personal life too, not just the biz. I made a few updates and thought I would share as you might benefit from stopping a few of these too. ๐